October 15, 2024


Following the nation-wide and all-rounded reform in 2018, technological transformation and innovations have become among the top priority sectors of Ethiopia. Science, technology and local innovation emerge as new developments following the reform that aims to build prosperous country.

Especially, on the wake of the launch of a three years Home-grown Economic Development program by the government; technology sector has turned to a key sector as the government plans to transform the service sector using modern technologies. Consequent to these efforts, in December 2019 Ethiopia has launched its first remote sensing satellite to the space, which has still continued providing services. In addition, in 2020, Ethiopia has launched ‘Digital Ethiopia 2025’ which focuses on e-commerce and the ability to digitize services in traditionally non-digital industries, like agriculture and manufacturing. It was in mid-2021 that Ethio Telecom launched Tele Birr.

Ethiopia is also developing its own local social media platforms, which are waiting for infrastructural developments. Since 2021 The Information Network Security Administration has started developing software for domestic use of social media platforms in Ethiopia.

These efforts of transforming the science, technology and innovation sectors in Ethiopia have been further strengthened since 2022. Ethiopia has launched a ten year perspective plan and the technology and innovation sector is the top priority both as a sector and its significance for the development of other sectors. Considering the sector’s role in accelerating development journey and accelerate prosperity, Ethiopia laydown foundations in 2022.

 Inauguration of science museum

 The inauguration of the first ever state-of-the-art science museum is among the top foundational works in the science and innovation sector in 2022. As part of its digital transformation endeavor, the government of Ethiopia has inaugurated a new science museum in the capital city. The museum is built on a seven-hectare space hosting two major building complexes and several interactive exhibits that displayed local solutions in healthcare, finance, cyber security, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), service industries, data analytics, manufacturing, and robotics among others.

During the inauguration ceremony, Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiy Ahmed, described the museum as a ‘demonstration of Ethiopia’s attention to science and technology’. He cited Ethiopia’s Digital Economy Strategy, which started implementation two years back, as a testimony to Ethiopia’s commitment to the sector and assured to continue efforts to transform the sector.

The science museum has a potential to shape the future of Ethiopia and would play to transform the sector. Science Museum has two huge buildings and is laid on over 1400 sq. km of land. Moreover, the museum has permanent and temporary exhibition centers. The newly inaugurated Science Museum is expected to further curate Ethiopia’s rich indigenous knowledge, science, and art alongside modern technological advancements.

 Ethiopia inaugurates Innovation, Technology Talent Development Institute

 Ethiopia Ministry of Innovation and Technology has built and inaugurated innovation and technology talent development center in Burayu city administration set to play significant role in Ethiopia’s human resource capacity building.

The Ethiopia Innovation and Technology Talent Development Institute have the capacity of enrolling 500 students in its initial year and when completed, it will have the capacity to enroll 1000 students.

The talent center has classrooms, laboratories, libraries, dormitories, and lecture halls, as well as apartments for the teaching staff. The talent development school is a place where selected Ethiopian students with special faculty can nurture their knack without quitting their regular education. The center aims to produce professionals with advanced knowledge in the technology field

 First batch of cyber-security summer camp trained youth graduated

 Ethiopia’s Information Network Security Administration (INSA) has established Ethio-Cyber Talent Center to train gifted and talented youths in the cyber sector. Ethio-Cyber Talent Center was established to hunt and train cyber-talented youths with the vision of developing capable skilled human resource in the cyber sector.

The center envisioned inspiring, motivating, hunting and training talented youths in the cyber sector. Through mentorship and capacity building training, it aims to create capable and skilled youths in the cyber industry with the goal of developing the industry in Ethiopia by investing on the youth.

The center had trained the first batch of Summer Camp Talented Youths during the past summer. The first summer camp cyber-security talented youths was composed of 60 trainees. They graduated after they came up with over 35 different innovations, including programs and applications.

 Ethiopia successfully hosted 17th Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

 The 17th annual Internet Governance Forum (IGF) was organized in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa in late November and early December 2022. Over 2,500 participants from across the world did attend the IGF which Ethiopia successfully organized the five days forum.

The IGF 2022 discussed on current and emerging risks related to possible future developments in artificial intelligence and other critical issues, including the advancement of technologies like artificial intelligence. The forum discussed on building resilient infrastructure for the shared future and on ways of supporting the infrastructure of developing countries in the sector.

During the 17th UN Internet Governance Forum, the Father of Internet, Vint Cerf, had come to Addis Ababa to attend the session. In addition, he discussed with Ethiopia’s government officials and praised Ethiopia’s achievement in successfully organizing the forum. The IGF 2022 was held under the theme ‘Resilient Internet for a Shared Sustainable and Common Future’.

 Ethiopia intensifies online service in government sectors

 As part of its Digital 2025, Ethiopia is accelerating digital and online services in government sectors. According to Ministry of Innovation and Technology, in 2022, over 326 government services were available through online and efforts have continued to expand online service to other services. Recently, additional services are also included to the online service.

The Ethiopian Government Electronic Services Portal has been developed to provide electronic public services to citizens, non-citizens, businesses, and governmental & non-governmental organizations. The portal was launched in 2020 and currently services including issuing business licenses, processing business registrations and giving information to entrepreneurs through an online one-window service, trade and investment license, passport and other basic services are given through online services.

In addition, by strengthening the E-payment system including the Tele birr payment, Ethiopia is modernizing and digitalizing payment systems. Efforts are also underway to connect the online services that need payment with Tele birr and other E-payment services to make the services easy for customers. Other online platforms are also introduced in the tourism, education, trade and other sectors.

The Ethiopian herald January 13/2023

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